Be well. Be strong. Feel Good.
We’re here to SERVE YOU as best as we can whether in person or through online broadcast.
FITNESS is one of the ways we stay healthy, improve circulation, and keep our immune systems in proper condition to support us in the daily battles of living in a human body!
LIVESTREAM broadcast classes are a fabulous option for self care – whether for convenience or medical reasons. If you’re interested in personal training by appointment from the comfort of your own home, call or e-mail to arrange a Zoom fitness consultation. During that meeting, you can give us a virtual tour of your workout area, and what pieces of fitness equipment you might already happen to have at home. If you don’t have anything available, we can consult with you about best options for small props or other pieces of equipment.
Due to cleaning and safety protocols for in-person training, if you arrive on time, you’re guaranteed a minimum of a 40-minute session. Depending on which pieces of equipment are being used and equipment rotation needs on a particular day, your session may go up to 45 or 50 minutes. If you arrive on time for your livestream online session, you’re guaranteed a minimum of 50 minutes. (Livestream sessions are designated as longer sessions due to the logistical need to move camera angles throughout the session.)
We appreciate your patience and assistance as we continue to move forward in negotiating an ever-changing landscape.
Best wishes to EVERYONE out there. Stay safe! Be well!
CALL 817-386-7832

Over 40 and worried about aging gracefully?
Come take a TOUR of our studio and get a FREE copy of “GET MOVING” — Kerry’s fitness book co-authored with Dr. Cody Sipe, one of her mentors from the Functional Aging Institute.
NOTEll also have a drawing to win an old-fashioned crystal punch bowl
Contact us at Info@Pilates.Works or Call 817-386-7832 to schedule your tour today!
Joseph Hubertus Pilates, 1883-1967, the founding father of “Contrology,” now known as “Pilates”
Call 817-386-7832
or e-mail Info@Pilates.Works
“Never, never, never give up.”
– Winston Churchill

Reserve your spot today!
Register online with our Studio Calendar.
Call 817-386-7832 or e-mail to Info@Pilates.Works to schedule personal training by appointment.
Our experienced instructors are NCCA accredited and listed in the USREPS database for the United States Registry of Exercise Professionals. Be sure to check out our BIOS page to learn more.

Pilates Works owner Kerry Kreiman having fun with a client at 2112 Mistletoe Blvd. Photo by Joyce Marshall
Stay in the know with our E-Newsletters
2112 Mistletoe Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76110 817-386-7832 info@pilates.works

Photos by Carolyn Bauman Cruz Featuring clients Terry Gwynne & Leanne Kirkham, and instructors Andrea Carroll & Kerry Kreiman
Treat your body to the best equipment around.
Pilates Works studio features
state-of-the-art Pilates equipment plus unique equipment merging Practical Pilates & Functional Fitness™ by Balanced Body®

How does it work?
We make a donation in your honor each time you “check-in” at Pilates Works on Facebook or Instagram. No need to set up a new account or password or agree to use any other services. The check-in option or location tag option through your own social media account enables the donation to happen on your behalf! It is that simple: you check in every time you come to work out and we donate in your honor. Each month Sweat Angels supports a different world class charity.
Why Help Fund Play Therapy?
Play therapy can be a powerful tool to helping children grow, experience, and learn. Play therapy meets children on their level with guided professional assistance with the goal of improving coping, social and life skills.
PILATES-based exercise is growing as a practice, an industry, and a philosophy for better living…
because it WORKS!
“Help Find Balance at Pilates Works” – our studio was selected to be featured on www.TexasHomesForSale.com
DIY Acupressure and a Miscellany of Health Tips – Janet Taylor Gray, LMT, PhD
Get ready to learn how to take better care of yourself! On Saturday, January 20, 2018, at 2 pm, Janet Taylor Gray, LMT, PhD, will share some simple do-it-yourself acupressure techniques, along with a variety of other health and wellness tips as part of our FREE health...
12 Basic Shoulder Exercises for Strength, Mobilization and Awareness: Moments of Movement
Pilates Works studio owner Kerry Kreiman offers up 12 basic shoulder exercises for strength, mobility, and awareness, while pointing out some of the mechanics of the shoulder girdle. Moments of Movement: Scapular Glide/Shoulder Blade awareness.
Are you sitting on your lower back?
Many people have lower back pain, but often don't realize they are sitting on their lower backs while sitting on certain pieces of furniture, which can cause strain. A moment of self assessment and thinking about where your "sitz bones" are at the bottom of the pelvis...
How To Find Perfect Posture
Pilates Works instructor Sherry Welborn explains how to find perfect posture from the front view, and also demonstrates an exercise on the Balanced Body CoreAlign which challenges the core support muscles necessary to keep control of vertical spinal alignment.
Fighting Upper Back Slump
PFilates – Bladder Control is a Fitness Issue
How to Find Perfect Posture From A Side View (Profile)
Learn what body parts should stack up in profile (side view) when trying to find your perfect vertical posture. Good posture is very hard to achieve when we're constantly being pulled into bad posture from desk jobs, computers, cell phones, and various electronic...
Spring Garden and COLORING Party
Sunday May 21, Noon to 6 pm Break out the sunscreen for the Hidden Gardens Tour (Berkeley neighborhood, sponsored by Historic Fort Worth, Inc.) and your crayons/markers for our art party! As one of the advertising partners of the Hidden Gardens Tour, we thought it...
Celebrate Pilates Day 2017 with FREE Intro Classes!!!
Saturday May 6 is Pilates Day, and this year Pilates Works is an official host site! As part of the celebration, we're offering FREE, mini, 25-minute introductory classes which you can sign up for online in advance... Or, if you're not sure when you can stop by, then...
Why Help Fund Play Therapy?
Play therapy can be a powerful tool to helping children grow, experience, and learn. Play therapy meets children on their level with guided professional assistance with the goal of improving coping, social and life skills.
Mid Month Update!
Minutes may not sound like a lot but half way through the month our community has already provided over 1,747 HOURS of therapy to autistic children in need. Keep checking in to provide more Minutes of therapy because minutes turn into hours in the blink of an eye!
Open House
Haven't followed through on your New Year's resolutions to get in shape? Well, there's no better time than NOW to make a turn for the better! Join us during these open shopping hours on the last day to purchase a commitment package for 2017. The best and most...
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