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Call 817-386-7832 or e-mail to Info@Pilates.Works to schedule personal training by appointment.
I was curious about Pilates long before I met Kerry, but I was hesitant to take the first step. I had always wanted better posture and more core strength, and after having two children, I was in dire need of help with both. What struck me most, even in my first session, was the amount of focus the exercises and stretches required of me, and I immediately found myself relishing the hour with no phone, no children, no distractions. Just quiet, deliberate concentration… Just like the Pilates exercises, the changes I have seen in my body have been slow, steady and meaningful. At a recent doctor’s appointment, I discovered that I had ‘grown’ half an inch. I have gained strength not only in body, but also mind, and I credit Kerry with helping me to continue to hold my head up, stand up straight, and focus on the challenges ahead.
For years I suffered disabling back pain and progressively decreasing flexibility. Over the last 16 months, Kerry at Pilates Works has developed a personalized program that has allowed me to arrest the progression and reverse my symptoms (pain and stiffness). With her program I’ve been able to increase my activity level free of pain. My severe back pain infrequently appears and my flexibility and overall conditioning has improved dramatically; all this, because of Kerry’s diligent attention to detail and her program’s wide range of options. I highly recommend Pilates Works personalized approach as the best to address all musculoskeletal issues, especially those of limited mobility due to aging and past inactivity.
I have been studying with Kerry for about a year. As a person with chronic back and neck issues, Pilates is the only exercise I can consistently do without hurting myself. The support of the machines and Kerry’s thoughtful teaching techniques have allowed me to strengthen my body while avoiding injury.
“very friendly instructor; attention to detail so that you are doing the exercise correctly”
“MOTR works muscles you don’t typically work. More challenging than you think it will be. Taps into your core and deep muscles. Kerry is an excellent instructor.”
“Excellent workout. Kerry is knowledgeable and fun! So excited for more!”
Loosens you up better than a stiff margarita
I started Pilates to recover from a knee injury and get in shape for the exotic Indonesian SCUBA diving tours I lead. After only a month of 3/week equipment circuit classes I noticed changes in muscle tone, strength, and flexibility that I hadn’t achieved with other forms of regular exercise. In 3 months, I was hooked and have continued for 10 years! Pilates Works’ instructors are fabulous, working personally with me (and others) in the group sessions to be sure the exercises are done correctly and we get the most from our sessions. Although I’m traveling around the world these days and not often in Fort Worth, I return for as many sessions as possible when I’m in the area to keep up my flexibility. The classes are fun, and it’s great to see so many familiar faces, faces who have been in these classes for many years.
Kerry has an outstanding ability to articulate what’s needed in order to accomplish an exercise. She is able to break down the specific areas and/or muscles which allow the student to bring awareness to those areas and then activate them. Her knowledge of the human body – anatomy, mechanics, tendencies, etc. – is out of this world, and comes out so naturally. She sequences classes effortlessly, building exercises to get to the ultimate peak exercises, both during a single class and over the course of multiple classes/weeks/months. It sometimes felt like a Jedi mind trick, honestly! Once I started training to be a certified yoga instructor, I truly appreciated how much anatomy and terminology I learned from her over the years, and how hard it is to make sequencing look as easy as she makes it look!
I have attended classes weekly for over 7 years. The balance and stability exercises have greatly improved my quality of living an active life in post-retirement. Kerry keeps up to date with new pieces of functional fitness and Pilates equipment and attends workshops to incorporate new exercises which continue to challenge our bodies and keep our core strong. I look forward to each class and the friendships made while improving our fitness.
I have a connective tissue disorder which causes hypermobility in my joints, including the connections along my spine. By the time I reached 40, I had been in physical therapy several times to treat back and joint pain that hadn’t been caused by any obvious injury. I eliminated weight training from my exercise program out of fear of further joint damage, and was at a loss as to how I could maintain strength and bone density when a friend told me about Pilates. She said Pilates strengthens the body in a functional way that’s similar to the work done in physical therapy and I decided to give it a try. I have maintained my practice since starting over two years ago and find it to be a positive experience. The exercises focus on proper form rather than maxing out the weight you can lift. The emphasis is on strengthening the muscles that will lead to better health and functional movement, rather than looking good in a swimsuit (which is just a bonus). While I find that many of the exercises I do in Pilates with Kerry are similar to those prescribed in physical therapy, when I practice Pilates I feel like I’m doing something positive for my overall body rather than repairing a problem.
I have been in two private lessons per week at Pilates Works for about 3 years. I am 68 and retired. Through these sessions I have become stronger in my core, upper body and legs and without injury. And, importantly, I am much more flexible. It actually took quite a while to re-align things that had curled up through a career of sitting at a desk and over a computer. I would recommend Pilates-based training to anyone, but I think it is especially helpful as we age to maintain strength and flexibility and balance. We work— a work in progress— on all that in each session.
Kerry is a knowledgeable and encouraging teacher who accommodates and modifies her classes based on my various aches and pains!
Pilates for me has been the gift that keeps on giving and I am grateful for Kerry and her studio!
“Fantastic! She is good at leading you through effective poses and making sure they are done correctly. The studio is calm. I think it’s the best Pilates studio in FW.”
“Best Pilates studio in Funkytown!”
“Always learn something new!”
I have taken Pilates from Kerry for 11 years. This is the first time I have ever stuck with any kind of exercise. Not only do I get strengthening exercises, but also balance and some cardio. Over the years I have seen my friends have many physical issues, i.e. back problems, continued bad posture and limited range of motion. I myself have noticed my balance is not as stable as in years past. Through my personal training sessions, I have been able to avoid many issues, maintain better posture, and keep up my balance skills, which has helped me tremendously since I sit at a desk on a computer all day. One of the many things I appreciate about Kerry is she is always sensitive to what is going on with your body and plans the workouts accordingly. I will continue to take Pilates as long as Kerry teaches and I am able.
“New to me and worked my core and hamstrings! Very fun”
“Pilates Works is the best Pilates studio I’ve been to in Fort Worth! The instructors are awesome and really focus on your form.”

DIY Acupressure and a Miscellany of Health Tips – Janet Taylor Gray, LMT, PhD
Get ready to learn how to take better care of yourself! On Saturday, January 20, 2018, at 2 pm, Janet Taylor Gray, LMT, PhD, will share some simple do-it-yourself acupressure techniques, along with a variety of other health and wellness tips as part of our FREE health...

12 Basic Shoulder Exercises for Strength, Mobilization and Awareness: Moments of Movement
Pilates Works studio owner Kerry Kreiman offers up 12 basic shoulder exercises for strength, mobility, and awareness, while pointing out some of the mechanics of the shoulder girdle. Moments of Movement: Scapular Glide/Shoulder Blade awareness.

Are you sitting on your lower back?
Many people have lower back pain, but often don't realize they are sitting on their lower backs while sitting on certain pieces of furniture, which can cause strain. A moment of self assessment and thinking about where your "sitz bones" are at the bottom of the pelvis...

How To Find Perfect Posture
Pilates Works instructor Sherry Welborn explains how to find perfect posture from the front view, and also demonstrates an exercise on the Balanced Body CoreAlign which challenges the core support muscles necessary to keep control of vertical spinal alignment.

Fighting Upper Back Slump

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