Join us during these open shopping hours on the last day to purchase a commitment package for 2017.
The best and most remarkable prices must be purchased by April 29, 2017 (with a hard expiration date of 12-22-17 for use of all class credits). “Commitment” packages are not available through the online store because we want to make sure you have a viable plan for using them up by the end of the year before making the purchase.
NEW: Per the request of clients who asked if we could create a payment plan system for the largest 2017 COMMITMENT packages, we now have a contract enabling you to break up your payments into 2, 3, or 4 payments! In the interest of full disclosure, you can read the simple agreement Here before you come to the open house.
That’s because the COMMITMENT goes 2 ways. Just one part of our commitment to you is to make sure we can serve and support you in your commitment to yourself!
This open house is mostly “business” to help current and new clients select and purchase the packages which will be most helpful to them. Bring your questions and come as you are. We look forward to serving you!
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