Suffering from low back pain? Afraid to work out?
YUR BACK specialists Andrea Carroll and Kerry Kreiman can help you learn safe and effective techniques to return to a more functional lifestyle. Dr. Christine Romani-Ruby is nationally-recognized for her work as a physical therapist, exercise physiologist, and Pilates instructor. Because she wanted to help people outside her own community, Romani-Ruby created the YUR BACK certification program to teach her proven methods to other fitness professionals. Watch this video to learn more:
- Created by Dr. Christine Romani-Ruby, the YUR BACK exercise program combines therapeutic exercise, Pilates, and muscle balancing techniques to create a safe and effective work out for those recovering from low back pain.
- Incorporates exercises and movements from evidence-based research that creates a challenging work out without exacerbation of low back pain.
- Strengthening the core, arms and legs, the YUR Back program also improves posture, can be done with or without equipment, and is even safe for those with osteoporosis or scoliosis.
Ready to re-claim your strength?
- Andrea Carroll and Kerry Kreiman are both certified YUR Back instructors. By working with them in private personal training sessions, you can learn sound techniques for gaining strength and improving functional movement.
- Call 817-386-7832 or e-mail to Info@Pilates.Works and ask about our New Client Specials to get started!