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SPECIAL NOTE FOR LIVESTREAMING CLASSES: In order to view and participate, you must REGISTER for the class and you must be LOGGED IN to the Tula reservation system account you created for the Pilates Works studio. The "View Broadcast" link may not appear until 10-15 minutes prior to the start of the class. Even if it is there sooner than that, your teacher might be in another meeting prior to your class, which will stop you from accessing the meeting until the teacher has gotten off the previous call. BE SURE to go through a WEB connection. The most mobile-friendly version (for smart phone or tablet) is here, and you might want to bookmark it in your browser:
For additional livestream guidance, you can download a PDF of a handy dandy ZOOM Cheat Sheet Updated August 13 FINAL
Register online with our Studio Calendar.
Call 817-386-7832 or e-mail to Info@Pilates.Works to schedule personal training by appointment.
2112 Mistletoe Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76110