Reserve your spot today!
SPECIAL NOTE FOR LIVESTREAMING CLASSES: In order to view and participate, you must REGISTER for the class and you must be LOGGED IN to the Tula reservation system account you created for the Pilates Works studio. The "View Broadcast" link may not appear until 10-15 minutes prior to the start of the class. Even if it is there sooner than that, your teacher might be in another meeting prior to your class, which will stop you from accessing the meeting until the teacher has gotten off the previous call. BE SURE to go through a WEB connection. The most mobile-friendly version (for smart phone or tablet) is here, and you might want to bookmark it in your browser:
For additional livestream guidance, you can download a PDF of a handy dandy ZOOM Cheat Sheet Updated August 13 FINAL
Register online with our Studio Calendar.
Call 817-386-7832 or e-mail to Info@Pilates.Works to schedule personal training by appointment.
Cancellation policy:
Pilates Works has a general 48-hour cancellation policy. This enables us to better prepare for your class while also helping you stick to your commitment to yourself and your fitness regime. FREE broadcast classes during COVID-19 are an exception to this rule, and you can de-register up until the start time for the class.
Read the full studio policies here.
In addition to the day by day embedded schedule to the left, if you scan farther down this page you can see a full month overview.
All small group training sessions with online signup capability are listed in the embedded calendar. Availability will vary from day to day and week to week. While some personal training sessions are made available through this calendar, the majority of privates/duets/trios at Pilates Works are scheduled through direct communication with the instructors. If you’re looking for a full list of personal training options, please contact us at 817-386-7832 or drop us a line at Info@Pilates.Works.
To view Package Discounts please visit Pricing.
The Studio Calendars embedded in our website have “live” interaction with our scheduling system. To be certain you’re seeing the most up-to-date calendar, it’s best to refresh your screen.
It is always best to sign up for class before you arrive to be sure that there is a spot being held for you. That way you also have the most current information about the status of a class.
While there may not be group training sessions available over holidays/breaks, sometimes it is possible to schedule a private/duet/trio appointment for personal training with a specific teacher. Just drop us a line or give us a call with your inquiry, and we’ll see if it’s possible to meet your request.